Transformative Strategic Communications

We are Global Innovative Creators



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change that matters

 Nunc et augue pulvinar, luctus mi non, sagittis odio. Phasellus congue sem nulla.non sodales orci malesu da vel. Aliquam mi eros. 


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Reputation Management

Goverment Relations

Negotiations facilitation, assistance in building business relationships, promoting the interests of the customer at the highest level, preparation of the information field for public transactions and legislative initiatives.

Online Reputation Management

Information fields analysis, communication strategy design and implementation, SEO optimization and monitoring.

International communications

Event Management

Moderation of local and international level in six languages, event management with the presence keynote speakers and guests, Client’s participation in major league business events.

Public Relations

Communication strategy developments,including global agenda and regional features, classic and creative solutions. Integration of the project into international media context and its promotion.

Coaching & Training

Public Speaking Training

Conducting training before public speeches and media communications for our Clients persons, preparation for events and international negotiations.

PR Teams Coaching

Assistance in the formation of PR teams and professional development of employees, the creation of new models internal communications and professional implementation of tasks, supervision.

Fields of Expertise

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